Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The College Adventure

Being seventeen and a junior in high school, I've recently embarked on the journey of college. I'm doing all sorts of research into the process; exploring majors, locations, and financial aid.

 The amount of options for college that exist out there is overwhelming. It's so hard to know where to look and what to look for. Luckily, I've been able to narrow down my search slightly.

I want to double major in Communications and Anthropology. I want a college in the northeastern area. I'd prefer a larger student body, though I'm not opposed to small schools as well. I want a proper campus college.

These seemingly unhelpful and obvious requirements actually help a lot when narrowing down the search. It's still hard, though. Today I visited Boston University, which is one of my top choices. It was pretty cool. It was right in the city, but still had that stereotypical campus feel most colleges have. I toured the College of Communications building, which was really high tech and very impressive. The only major issue with BU is the cost.

Why do colleges cost so much? It seems unnecessary. Some places charge more than $50,000 a year! It's insane! Also, living in Massachusetts, the sheer number of choices of nearby colleges is super daunting. I ask my friends about what colleges they're thinking about, and they come up with names of places I've never even heard of. The whole thing is a huge, overwhelming, terrifying process.

But it's also so exciting! I can't wait to begin my studies, wherever I end up (my top picks are BU and UMass Amherst, if you're interested). Communications will be FASCINATING, because I love writing. That's definitely going to lead into a career for me, I hope. Anthropology is also so exciting! I can't wait to learn more in depth about where humans came from, and what current cultures in the world are like. This whole college adventure is scary at times, but it's also fun. I guess I just need to focus on getting in! :-)

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