Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Love for the Medieval

I have many interests; communications, public relations, anthropology...the list goes on & on. One of my more specified interests is medieval history - what a fascinating period of time!

 There's a certain romance to the period; the ideas of knights in shining armor, chivalry, princesses, adventure. It's truly captivating.

While in college, I'm planning to delve into medieval studies research. I think it would be so exciting to travel to Europe and tour medieval castles and really investigate the period. What's really great is that most of my colleges that I'm considering actually offer some sort of medieval studies program, either as a minor or a certificate. I'm definitely going to look into that at whatever college I end up in.

Everyone has varying interests, and medieval history is one of mine. I'm very excited to begin studying it officially!

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